Welcome to
First United
Lutheran Church

Sunday Worship - March 23rd
For more worship services, bible stories, and more,
click here.
Thursday Worship - March 20th
For more worship services, bible stories, and more,
click here.
Worship with us!
Sundays at 8:30am & 10:30am
Thursdays at 6:30pm
For over 85 years, First United has been a community who looks
to the future with a clear mission of being caring,
generous, friendly, warm and loving.
God has boldly worked through our church family and we welcome you to come journey with us.
We offer many ways to share God’s word, strengthen faith, and serve our community.
We warmly welcome you and hope that you find First United to be a place where you feel at home.
Please feel free to call us or reach out anytime – we would love to have you consider being a part
of our church family!
For more information about…
Great Beginnings Preschool
Great Beginnings Preschool is sponsored by the
Children & Family Ministry program at First United.
All children ages 3 & 4 are welcome.
Enrollment is not limited to members of our congregation.