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Sharing God’s Word
Strengthening Faith
Serving Community

2401 Kohler Memorial Drive
Sheboygan, WI 53081
(920) 452-2401

Monday - Thursday
9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Families may choose the days they wish for their child, between two and four days per week, their choice of days, as class size and availability allows.

My First School

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Great Beginnings Preschool is designed to be a gentle transition into a child’s first school experience.
Caring, compassionate teachers help your child
adjust to being away from home, while learning
social skills and building a solid academic base for future schooling.

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Play is the major component of our program. Hands-on, whole-body, active learning is what we do!  We love to learn through song, stories, art, games, and sensory exploration!

Theme-based learning units provide a framework for learning. Within each unit, activities are planned to target muscle development, literacy, communication, intellectual and social growth, including reading and math readiness.

Play is the primary mode of learning for the young child. Areas of memory, problem solving, self-regulation and academic development are expanded through child centered, quality interactions and environments. 

Children learn best when they have positive, caring relationships with teachers and peers. Here at Great Beginnings Preschool you will find a safe, unhurried and nonjudgemental place for thinking, playing and exploring

All are welcome!

Great Beginnings Preschool is a ministry of First United Lutheran Church. Bible stories, prayer and Christian holidays are an integral part of the curriculum. We provide a safe, happy, welcoming environment for everyone. You do not need to be a member of our church.